Travel Couple from Virginia

Our Story

The origin of "Here or Anywhere."

Long before we conceived the idea to build a travel blog, the name Here or Anywhere already meant a lot to us.

It’s what we tell each other now and then and it’s also part of our marriage vows. A promise to always be there for each other regardless of the moment or location. It’s our way of saying, “I am here for you, I’m with you, I will follow you, and I will meet you… here or anywhere.”

As a brand, it’s a promise to take you and your partner to see the world across the stars and share in these magical moments that change everything about you.

What does the circle in our logo mean?

Just like our name, our logo is intentional, too. The solid circle is a tribute to the painting, The Black Square by Kazimir Malevich. It symbolizes origin, the point of epiphany, the zero ground of life transformation.

It’s a reminder to live in the moment, stay inquisitive, and embrace each experience as brand new so you can bask in the benefits it presents.

Together, our name and logo represent two of the most meaningful concepts in our lives: seeking objective truth and being fully present in the moment with each other ─ something that traveling helps us practice regularly.

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We want to be the perfect online resource for the travel couple who loves adventure, spending time outdoors, and traveling. 

We believe that experiences are more valuable than things, and we hope to inspire others to explore the world around them and embrace this lifestyle. 

Our goal is to help travel couples discover new cultures, people, and places while being mindful of their global impact.


We believe that travel can be a transformative, bonding experience for couples. 

We see a future where more couples are living the nomad lifestyle – reconnecting with what’s important in life, and creating a more harmonious balance between work, loved ones, and personal time.

By doing this, you can build more fulfilling and lasting relationships.


Gratitude: Showing deep appreciation for the natural world and our intuitive inner guidance.

Self-Discovery: Perpetually gaining insight about our character and place in the world.

Authenticity: Sharing honest stories and only promoting reputable companies that share our values.

Sustainability: A commitment to living in harmony with the earth.

A whole new world awaits you.

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About Us

Laura & Tyler, adventurous travel couple from Virginia Beach.

Married in 2020, we are two hippies who came to realize the truth from an early age – life is too short and the world too large to remain in one place, doing something you don’t love.

And so, after our wedding, we made a new pledge to tour the world together and deepen our spirituality. We’re passionate travelers, campers, and nature explorers who enjoy the thrill of going somewhere different, meeting new people, exploring cultures we never knew existed, and, more importantly, the healing touch of nature.

Combining my experience as a photographer and digital marketer with Tyler’s professional history background and love for the wild, we have embarked on the most exhilarating journey of our lives. Here or Anywhere is a channel for us to share our experience and inspire more people to live a life they love.


"The Planner"

Born in Massachusetts and transplanted to Virginia, Laura grew up on the road and has been to more locations than she can count with family and friends. She has been to 100+ destinations and 24+ locations across 3 continents by car, plane, and boat.

Her favorite destinations to date include Maui and Costa Rica. When it comes to planning their next trip, Laura is the first one to break out Excel and crunch the numbers.

When not traveling, she works as the Creative Director in a digital marketing agency and has a background in branding, web design, graphic design, and portrait photography. She now uses these skills to run Here or Anywhere.

On a warm morning, you can find her sipping coffee on her front porch and soaking up the sun. She loves jam bands, her pets, and spending quality time with loved ones. 

“Be here now.” -Ram Das


"The Do-er"

A true Virginia Beach local, Tyler has always loved history and the wild. Growing up, he was a Boy Scout turned Eagle Scout and soon began traveling to several hot spots within and outside the state. Tyler’s most notable experience so far has been his cross-country road trip he accomplished at the age of 23. 

He has a Master’s in Education & History and worked as a Grade 5-12 teacher before transitioning to insurance.

He now uses his skills and experience to help Here or Anywhere discover new and exciting locations to explore and ensure our journey is magical!

When given the chance, Tyler spends his free time biking, hiking, camping, or drinking a craft beer while listening to live music. He thrives in warm weather and loves swimming on a hot day.

…love one another; as I have loved you.” 
John 13:34

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